Postgraduate Area

About the Postgraduate Office

The Sociological Association of Ireland’s postgraduate body holds the future academics and sociological minds of Ireland’s future. Our mission is to:

  • Acknowledge you as young academics instead of just students
  • Give you a platform on which to promote yourself and introduce you to the field of sociology across Ireland
  • Foster a climate that is supportive and encouraging, instead of competitive and critical.

Why Get Involved?

It’s hard enough trying to make a name for yourself in the competitive world of academia today, and while we can’t cure that, we can give you a platorm where you can introduce yourself and find like-minded young academics with whom to network and connect.

Sociology Postgraduate Student Prize

The SAI is delighted to launch the Postgraduate Student Prize. The deadline for submissions is 15th May 2023. We warmly invite all SAI Postgraduate Members to submit an entry, to be in with a chance to have the excellence of your scholarship and contribution to your community and wider society recognised. The competition can be entered by submitting a short portfolio outlining the recent contributions you have made in your PhD journey.

The portfolio consists of four sections, which give participants a chance to describe their contribution to the field of sociology and their social impact:

  1. Contribution to the academic scholarship and debate –  The participant can describe in 300 words any form of the contribution they have made to academic debate and research.
  2. Contribution to their institution or community – Participants can describe in 300 words any contribution they have made to their institution or any other community.
  3. Other contributions  – Participants can describe in 300 words any contribution they deem important within the last year.
  4. An impact statement – The participant can reflect in 300 words on their positive social impact. *


The prizes are as follows:

First prize: Support with the publication of 1 academic article and Mentorship

Second prize: Stipend for joining 1 academic conference, to a value of €300

Third prize: Book voucher worth €150


The winners will be announced at the annual SAI conference later this year. Send your submission to with the subject ‘Postgraduate Prize‘.

Postgraduate Conference

The annual postgraduate conference provides a forum for student researchers to present their work to academic peers and receive feedback, engage in critical discussions with other postgrads and academics, develop research and presentation skills, and help to build a broad and inclusive community of early career academics in Ireland and farther afield. We invite both presentations and posters.